First DOE-COHON meeting

The DOE on Friday 10th June 2022 had its first workshop/meeting with the leadership of the GOUNI Students Council of Honour (COHON). The DOE used the opportunity to expose the COHON leadership to different entrepreneurial ideas that could transform their administration and make it one of the best. DOE...

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In line with the Directorate’s goal of exposing GOUNI students to different vocational skills and empowering them to become job creators, the DOE visited the Center for Nanny Education to witness their Soft Domestic Entrepreneurial Skills program (SDES). Some of the Nanny students were actively involved in baking while...

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Specifically, WABMA will train our students in more than 30 power skills areas including cyber security, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, video editing, online radio, programming, content creation, media law, ethics and professionalism.  Other soft skills include audio editing, basic graphic design, copywriting, jingle scripting, web content development etc. The...

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